How to get Amazon FNSKU labels correctly done, in China?

Step 1: Generate correct labels

You need to generate correct FNSKU labels under Amazon seller central for your products.

An FNSKU label sample

Step 2: Send your FNSKU labels to your supplier or your Prep center in China, with clear guidelines.

You need to send your FNSKU labels to your supplier, or your prep center in China with clear guidelines. 

When your supplier has no experiences with prepping Amazon FBA products or shipments, hiring a professional prep center can lower your risk and save your nerves.


Step 3: Make your requirements clearly understood, and precisely enforced.

How to print the labels, where to place the labels, how to label them… all need to be clearly understood by your supplier. Or there can be something totally out of your expectation in the end.

Hiring a professional and experienced prep center can make this job so much easier as they understand all these rules and guidelines.

Step 4: Have your labels inspected before shipping into Amazon FBA.

It’s always a safe way have your products and shipments inspected before shipping into Amazon. No matter for big shipments or small shipments. To make sure labels are correct.

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