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A China FBA prep center cleaning dirty bath mats

How a China Prep center reduced 71 bad product reviews?

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71 Dirty Mats !?

An Amazon seller bought 1,200 pcs bath mats from China,  later found there were 71 dirty ones.

71 dirty mats means 71 returns / negative product reviews (possible)!

What to do?



01 dirty bath mat
Dirty mats



02 dirty bath mat
Dirty mats



Amazon seller received dirty bath mats bought from China 03
Dirty mats



Amazon seller received dirty bath mats bought from China 04
Dirty mats



Fortunately,  this Amazon seller was working with an FBA prep center in China. With help from this prep center,  he reduced these 71 dirty mats to ZERO.  This is how they did:





Inspect & Fix

China Prep center receives bath mats
China Prep center received bath mats



China Prep center opens boxes
they opened boxes



China Prep center inspects bath mats
They inspected bath mats



China Prep center cleaned dirty bath mats
They cleaned ALL dirty bath mats





Box & Carton

China Prep center pre made inner box
China Prep center pre made inner box



China Prep center labeling & folding inner box
they labeled & folded inner box



China Prep center putting mats into inner box
mats put into inner box



Bat mats inner boxed
taped & sealed



Inner box size complied
box size complied



Bath mats carton-ed



Bath mats ready to ship
Ready to ship





Customer Receive Clean Mats

Clean mats customer receives from Amazon 01
Clean white mats customer receives from Amazon



Clean mats customer receives from Amazon 02
Clean blue mats customer receives from Amazon



Customers on Amazon received ONLY clean mats. No negative reviews / returns about dirty bath mats for this Amazon seller. He doesn’t have to spend time and money to deal with returns and bad product reviews.

