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20pcs Nail Art Brushes Tool Set Kit with black roll out pouch with magnetic closures

How can Amazon sellers create new products cheap, fast, safe?

Step 1: Find Out What Sells

It’s not a secret to find out what sells online (Amazon, ebay, wish…). If you find these two 20 pcs nail art set kit sold well on Amazon:

20pcs-Nail-Art Brushes-Tool-Kit-Set-on Amazon
20pcs Set Nail Art Brushes Tool Kit on Amazon

Classic color nail art kits on Amazon

pink colorful nail art brush set kit with colorful zipper pouch
pink colorful nail art brush set kit with colorful zipper pouch

Pink colorful nail art kits on Amazon

After you’re sure to go with this product, go to next step to revise.

Step 2: Revise

You may think of revising it by changing colorparts, and package… … have something NEW like this:

pink colorful nail art brush set kit
pink colorful nail art brush set kit

pink colorful tools

20: with pink colorful nail art tools insde
20: with pink colorful nail art tools inside

After you are sure about your revised new product, go to next step to source it.

Step 3: Buy

It’s not difficult to source a product now from China by yourself. Websites like,,,,… With Google translation tools, you can even source from Chinese website like,,,…

I Googled “pink nail art tool kit China” see images, found my product within one minute. They are listed on Aliexpress and Globalsources.

Google pink nail art tool kit China
Google pink nail art tool kit China
pink colorful nail art brush set kit on aliexpress
pink colorful nail art brush set kit on aliexpress
pink nail art tool kit on globalsources
pink nail art tool kit on globalsources

If you buy small to test, you may simply buy from Aliexpress. If you want to do more, you will need to talk to suppliers on globalsources, alibaba, made-in-china…

Step 4: Send to a Prep Center in China

You can ship your products in to a prep center in China. They can help you with all necessary prep services. There are some good prep centers in China south region (guangdong province) and China east region (zhejiang province), up to where your products are located. If you have one from some products from south China and some products from north China, you may need to ship to prep center in middle of China like Yiwu, so your prep center can receive fast.

ship to a prep center in china
ship to a prep center in china
goods delivery to Yiwu
goods delivery to Yiwu

After your prep center receive your products, they will prepare all before ship to your warehouse / Amazon warehouse.

Step 5: Prep

Your prep center will everything before sending to you / Amazon warehouse. Like receive, inspect, repack, ship.

01: nail art set individual pcs shipped in bulk

Receive & open

02: quantity checked
04: sorted out to make 20pcs set
04: sorted out to make 20pcs set
05: each piece quality checked
05: each piece quality checked
06: fall-apart-defects picked out
06: fall-apart-defects picked out
09: fixable defects are fixed
09: fixable defects are fixed
10: all individual pcs fully inspected
10: all individual pcs fully inspected
11: 20 loose pieces make a set
11: 20 loose pieces make a set
12: loose pieces put in pouch
12: loose pieces put in pouch
13: new nail art set kit completed
13: new nail art set kit completed
14: folded
14: folded
15: bagged
15: bagged
16: bag size complies with amazon FBA to save shipping cost
16: bag size complies with amazon FBA to save shipping cost
17: boxed in right size cartons
17: boxed in right size cartons
18: box weighted to comply-amazon warehouse requirements to save cost
18: box weighted to comply-amazon warehouse requirements to save cost

Now you have your NEW nail art kits. Nobody else have. Your prep center will ship out to your warehouse / Amazon warehouse according to your needs.

Step 6: Customer Receive

Your customer receive your NEW revised nail art kits. And most import, they are happy about your products. Less returns, Less negative reviews, More sales.   Everyone happy, business grows.

20: with pink colorful nail art tools insde
20: with pink colorful nail art tools inside

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